Monthly Donations

Pledge a monthly donation and become a WITTS Ministries Covenant Partner for God’s Kingdom and real world improvement.
Our friends at World Improvement Through The Spirit Ministries would like you to consider a regular monthly contribution to further their efforts toward real world improvement. By setting up a convenient automatic transaction, you need not worry about remembering each month.
“Pray about it and donate as God leads your heart!”
We give you the opportunity to pick a suggested plan, or simply enter an amount of your choice. Remember, without your help, WITTS could not progress with the numerous world improvement projects and technologies. If you would rather make a one-time donation, please visit here.
Pick A Plan, or Specify Your Own Donation
If you prefer PayPal…
Donating monthly to WITTS Ministries can also be managed through PayPal. PayPal will automatically remember and process your donation every month so you don’t forget.
*Monthly donations can be discontinued or modified at anytime by contacting: WITTS Ministries or get in touch with us. We can even alter which day of the month your contribution is made.