If you haven’t already heard, the Global Warmist’s have a lot to answer for after a whistle blower released emails, documents, computer models, and statistics that document a history of changing data and fudging numbers for the benefit of advancing the global warming agenda. You can download the archive and draw your own conclusions from the link below below. Let it be known that the state of our environment is still of great concern to our future generations. Using ‘scare tactics’ and passing propaganda off as ‘scientific data’ is not the way.
Download the 120Mb of leaked (Climategate) emails, documents, computer code & models: Climate Research Emails
Description: “This archive presents over 120Mb of emails, documents, computer code and models from the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia, written between 1996 and 2009. The CRU has told the BBC that the files were obtained by a computer hacker 3-4 days ago. This archive includes unreleased global temperature analysis computer source code that has been the subject of Freedom of Information Act requests. The archive appears to be a collection of information put together by the CRU prior to a FoI redaction process. – Wikileaks.org“
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Draft Copenhagen climate change agreement – the “Danish text” http://www.scribd.com/doc/23831690/091127copenhagen (Copenhagen climate summit in disarray after ‘Danish text’ leak)
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Lord Monckton’s “Climategate: Caught Green-Handed! Cold Facts aout the Hot Topic of global temperature change after the Climategate scandal:
About the Author:
Recovering tech entrepreneur. Notable events: video game (1983 Spelunker); ahead of it's time RAD software for the Amiga computer - CanDo (early 1990's); co-founded large regional internet access provider, Internet America which became publicly traded on NASDAQ - GEEK. Since 2001 has re-evaluated life's purpose and sought new energy technologies and researched alternative solutions to planet devastation.