Author Archive

Quantum Energy Activism: Easy for a Snowman

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I want to thank everyone who has emailed us and volunteered their help towards this project so far! It truly will take a community effort to get quantum energy out to the world;  from our perspective we see many many wonderful people wanting to get involved, offering their support, and taking the initiative to champion new creative projects!

There has never been a better time for quantum energy, everyday it seems we are witnessing leaps and bounds for the benefit of ...

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Lightning – Nature’s Free Energy

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Vast power being produced without oil, coal or nuclear pollution.

Tesla researched lightning at his lab outside Colorado Springs in 1899. There he developed a better understanding of the phenomenon which led him to further developments in building electrical machines which are still a mystery to most engineers today.

Does a lightning strike originate from the clouds or the earth’s surface?

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Steorn Proves Overunity with their Orbo Technology

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SteornOver the last few weeks Steorn gave very convincing demonstrations of small rotating experimental prototypes and ended their final public disclosures with a well presented case for an overunity machine.  Overunity is a term used to describe a condition where the power put into a system becomes greater on it’s output.

Over the last few weeks Steorn gave very convincing demonstrations of small rotating experimental prototypes and ended their final public disclosures with ...

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Cap and Trade May INCREASE CO2 Emissions

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(Article written by Washington’s Blog)

James Hansen – the world’s leading climate scientist fighting against global warming – told Amy Goodman this morning that cap and trade not only won’t reduce emissions, it may actually increase them:

The problem is that the emissions just go someplace else. That’s what happened after Kyoto, and that’s what would happen again, if—as long as fossil fuels are the cheapest energy, they ...

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Download the ‘Leaked’ Climate-Gate Email Archive

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If you haven’t already heard,   the Global Warmist’s have a lot to answer for after a whistle blower released emails, documents, computer models, and statistics that document a history of changing data and fudging numbers  for the benefit of advancing the global warming agenda.   You can download the archive and draw your own conclusions from the link below below.  Let it be known that the state of our environment is still of great concern to our future generations. ...

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Steorn demonstrates free energy device

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A company in Ireland has prepared a live demonstration of their Orbo free energy technology.  The prototype apparatus is said to utilize a particular arrangement of magnetic fields to effectively gain energy.  A small battery provides power for the rotating device and is continuously re-charged, thus the shaft can spin virtually perpetually without the need to change the battery.

Steorn is introducing the technology to the public and it can be seen in person at the Waterways Ireland Visitor Centre ...

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Biodiesel – One billion unserved.

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Biodiesel fuel is a clean burning alternative fuel that is made from renewable materials. Much of it is produced using farmed crops. When roughly one billion people on the planet are starving everyday…

Does it really make sense to stop growing food and instead make gas for our cars?

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Wind turbines don’t make economic sense.

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Original article source:

“Heaven knows that West Virginia has always stepped up to the plate to contribute to our nation’s energy security. But we now have a situation where speculators are staking claim to some of our most scenic areas and erecting these monstrosities that produce little energy and are made possible only by a tax credit.” — Rep. Alan Mollohan, US Congressman, WV

Useful facts:

If every household in the U.S. replaced one light bulb ...

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