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The author of this book holds a Bachelor’s degree in Electronics Engineering.
He earned his degree from Cal Poly Technical Institute. He has worked with a number of organizations as the chief electronics engineer.
The author of this book, after living in a house, run totally on Quantum Energy (a system built in the 1990s, by WITTS Ministries) was driven and inspired (called) by the forces of Good, to write a book on his experiences with The Ministry, and with free energy in general.
A uniquely written, excellent book will keep you spell-bound. It contains many true accounts of the work WITTS has done and the many projects and experiments that went right, as well as some that went wrong. Humorous and entertaining, as well as informative about what is really happening in science. (The best stuff never gets covered in the news.)
A must read, if you would like to learn more about the history of energy research and development.
And for the engineers as well as the aspiring engineers out there, it contains experiments and simple devices you can build for yourself!
The author has worked on free energy systems for 20 years plus and is one of the few engineers that have earned his living in this field. He has worked on many free energy projects. Approximately 200 pages, this book is a real bargain.
Quickly become familiar with the free energy landscape by taking advantage of this very unique gift.