Flying car of the “future”. What happened?
Welcome to the 21st century!
Over the past century, scientist and engineers were predicting an age of modern technological advancement in the coming 21st century. We’d have flying cars, robots cleaning our homes, and all sorts of amazing conveniences to eliminate the menial jobs of everyday living. In the ’60s there was even a television show featuring the iconic Walter Cronkite touting what life could be like in the twenty-first century, though it likely was more of a tool to shape the public’s beliefs rather than inform them about advanced tech.
There were promises of medical breakthroughs that would prolong average life spans to 150 years or more. With new farming techniques, food would be plentiful and available where ever necessary. Mass transit would move people efficiently to their jobs and back home again. Even electricity would become too cheap to meter since the atomic age would provide more than we could ever use.
What happened?

Plenty of leisure time with the automated kitchen.
Our golden age has been hijacked!

Gerry Vassilatos writes about many who made remarkable discoveries but have been derided or ignored in later science history.
Among most prevailing economic systems, decisions consistently based upon maximizing profits above all else have perverted the advancement of humankind to the point of a self-inforced slavery system. Along with the ongoing embargo of truth about the existence of advanced technology and also about the planet’s real history, the people of the world are acting and choosing their future blindly and uninformed.
This can all be turned around. Solutions are readily available.

Travel in style.
Luckily there are those who have been determined to keep the secrets safe and continue seeking the solutions needed to right the wrongs of the past. Numerous technologies have been developed that will have sweeping implications for how we live and learn to become good stewards of the planet.